I'm an Associate Professor of Psychology at Florida International University in Miami, FL, and am the Program Director for the Legal Psychology Ph.D. program. My primary a rea of interest is Investigative Interviewing. I run the Theory-based Research on Interviewing, Interrogation, Intelligence-gathering,
and Assessing Deception Lab (TRIIIAD Lab).
I discuss our National Science Foundation funded work on the impact of intoxication on criminal suspects in The Conversation, and it is covered by FIU News. I had a great conversation with First Coast Connect on WJCT Jacksonville about our findings.
Our National Institute of Justice funded work on helping jurors to evaluate forensic science testimony is discussed here The Conversation.
Our work on judges decisions regarding student load discharges was highlighted by The Conversation.
I was interviewed by multiple media outlets about our research on contact tracing, including, NBC News in Miami, FL, First Coast News in Jacksonville, FL, ABC News in Tampa, FL, the Sun Sentinel, and KOLD News in Tucson, AZ.
My op-ed on contact tracing was published by the Miami Herald.​